HSBC Algeria is a branch of HSBC Bank Middle East Limited, which is classed among the most important banking and financial services groups in the world and forms part of the HSBC Group. It was approved by the Conseil de la Monnaie et du Crédit (Currency and credit council) of the Bank of Algeria on 17 June 2008 by application of articles 70 and 92 of order no. 03-11 dated 26 April 2003 relating to currency and credit.
Thus, HSBC Bank Middle East Algeria is authorised to carry out all banking operations as defined by order no. 03-11 dated 26 April 2003 relating to currency and credit.
Registered office: HSBC Bank Middle East Limited Algeria Branch, Complexe Immobilier Oriental Business Park, Quartier d’Affaires d’Alger, Bab Ezzouar, 16311, Algiers
NIF (numéro d’imposition fiscale — tax identification number): 000716097499705.
Trade Register Number: / 07 c 0974997.
HSBC Bank Middle East Algeria draws the attention of users of its website to the following points:
Website access
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HSBC Bank Middle East Algeria owns and holds the rights to all elements that make up this website, in particular the data, designs, graphics, photos, logos and audio appearing on said website. Unless expressly stated otherwise, any reproduction, representation, imitation, circulation or recirculation, in whole or in part, of the website content in any way whatsoever without the express prior permission of HSBC Bank Middle East Algeria is forbidden and would constitute forgery punishable by law.
The website may only be used for personal and non-commercial legal intents and purposes. You may print pages from the website for your personal and non-commercial legal use, without modifying the content and without removing any identification, branding, or any notice or denial of liability, whether explicit or implied. HSBC Bank Middle East Algeria may, at its sole discretion, modify or amend any information contained on the website, or occasionally add provisions, for any reason whatsoever and this without prior notice and without incurring liability towards you or any other user.
HSBC Bank Middle East Algeria invites you to look at each page when you visit the website and take note of any modifications that may have been added since the last version. The Bank cannot be held liable for any decision made on the basis of out-of-date information, or for use arising as a result of this. Any person wishing to benefit from one or more services and/or from one or more products shown on the website is invited to contact one of his or her nearest HSBC Bank Middle East Algeria branches and enquire as to the contractual and rate-related conditions that apply to this (or these) product(s) and/or service(s). Certain parts of the website are reserved for “Internet Banking”, which is only accessible by HSBC Bank Middle East Algeria customers. These customers are bound by a specific agreement for use of the service, allowing them to have a personal access number and password.
Access to the products and services described on this website may be subject to individual or country-specific restrictions. None of the products or services presented here will be provided by HSBC Bank Middle East Algeria to a person if the law of their country of origin, or any other country relating to them, forbids it. Users are requested to ensure that connection to this website is legally authorised in the country from which the connection is established.
Technical losses
HSBC Bank Middle East Algeria cannot be held liable for elements outside of its control and possible losses that could be suffered by the technical environment of the user and, in particular, their computers, software, network equipment and any other material used to access or use the service and/or information. Similarly, although we have taken all reasonable measures to ensure that the website remains available, faults and interruptions to service are possible.
Intellectual property
HSBC Bank Middle East Algeria would like to inform you that everything you see and read on this website is protected by intellectual property law. The content of the website is subject to applicable Algerian law.
All users acknowledge the competence of the Algerian courts for everything relating to the content and use of the website, or appeals arising therefrom, within a six (6) month period after the start of dispute. Any later pursuance, if applicable, would be prohibited.